You really want to exhaust the patience of a saint I have? Tell me about how El Paso Police Department has ripped you off today. What do I mean by this? I was stepping out of my Mom's house in El Paso, TX and saw an officer "investigating" a nice gentleman that has been staying at the Opportunity Center and just like others that stay there, he keeps a look out on the neighborhood. He was requesting to search his belonging without a cause; what a BUDD HOLE! Earlier the man was just walking around one of neighborhood alleys at 6 am, said hello to me and petted my dogs. I told the officer, "this nice gentleman does nothing wrong in this neighborhood, I personally see him every morning walking to get some exercise." The officer asked us both to identify ourselves and I said, "What for Sir?" "We are not doing anything wrong"... But we both cooperated. As he ran our IDs to check for warrants I noticed my Mom's neighbor not being able to start his car. Once the officer was done checking my ID, the neighbor asked me if I had jumper cables. I went inside my Mom's house to look for them and take them with me to help him out. By this time the Officer was asking my neighbor for his ID as well all because he asked the officer to help him with jumper cables as well. The officer told him that he could not help him; "SORRY" he said. I started to walk around the patrol car and noticed a slogan that reads "To Serve and Protect" I questioned the officer about the slogan, "What exactly does that mean sir?" He responded, "I don't know" I proceeded by telling him... "Do you realize that your pay check comes from TAX PAYER MONEY and those TAX PAYERS are the man in need of jumper cables, my neighbor, who needs help to get his car started to get to work just like you are sir." "Why can't you help him?" "Isn't that what the slogan means?" "I don't see you SERVING AND PROTECTING by asking him, the other homeless guy, and myself for our IDs to check for WARRANTS."
Needless to say he had no answer to my questions or petitions. Is this the kind of cops YOU PAY FOR with your TAX DOLLARS in this city? I'm sorry, but I don't. You probably question yourselves how to go about solving this problem. Well, you my TAX PAYER FRIEND have the right to call your local POLICE DEPT. office and ask for the direct contact to the CHIEF OF POLICE OFFICE or contact the CITY COUNCIL. These numbers are also available on the Internet if you GOOGLE the City Web Site.
Over 20 YEARS, my Mom and Family has lived in the neighborhood and the real COPS are the HOMELESS people at the OPPORTUNITY CENTER. They have never broken in to her house, they always look out for the kids, and patrol the area. So who is the real criminal in this situation? The men taking a walk around the neighborhood alleys, the man that needed jumper cables to get to work, or the COP invading our privacy? You tell me...
One of my 2011 resolutions is to provide jobs, shelter, and ammunition to the homeless; the REAL COPS :)